Beltane, the union of opposites, emerging, becoming, the dream that life offers that anything and everything is possible can be felt strongly at this time.
The waxing energy of life is bursting out everywhere. I find it hard at this time of year to stay on track and stay focused. Something deep within has been awakened and I feel like I’m constantly having to restrain myself from spontaneously bursting into some demented creature drumming, dancing and singing – all very badly I need to add – in the supermarket.
Instead, I laugh out loud at how funny it would be if I did, this alone makes the other shoppers slightly bewildered.
Beltane is one of the four great Sabbats, and one of my favourites, although I think I say that about all of them :)
Celebrations begin on Beltane eve, 30th April or the night of April’s full moon*, and continue to 1st May. Sitting halfway between the Winter and Summer Solstices it brings the gift of balance, one often overlooked by the more powerful sexual and creative energies it brings, as it calls to our own wild nature within, to break free of domesticity. But it is exactly these opposites that Beltane brings into union. The active and passive. It’s a time to stop and reflect whilst also a time to go after your dreams, to go out into the world and become whoever you are to be. Its energy dances between the light and dark, allowing you to see what you need to release to make room for your intentions to manifest.
Beltane is a Fire Festival, and as you may guess, A fire is central to its theme, hence it’s name meaning the fires of Bel. Sacred wells are also honoured at this time, with the tradition of tying a piece of rag or ribbon infused with your prayer or wish to a nearby tree. These traditions continue and there is something very special when you come across such a tree or another sacred offering, like an earth mandala whilst strolling through the woods. This Union of Fire and Water is especially noticeable now, with the rain and small bursts of sunlight that tease you with their warmth
There are so many ways you can honour the earth and the gift of life during this sabbat
And so many practices you can use as tools to make the most out of this expansive energy
But first, take a moment to look inward, to stop and reflect on what no longer serves you, to connect to your true heart desire, becoming clear and centred before you begin to consciously co-create your life. Beltane is a time to look at any conflicts either around or within you and how you can bring them into harmony. It’s a time to get out your manifestation board or journal and give it a dust down, update or ditch it and begin again whatever you feel drawn to. It's time to open your heart centre to allow your energy to flow freely to your higher centres, allowing you to expand and increasing your ability to live truly from the heart.
It's a time to believe in fairies, frolic, laugh, dance and drum yourself into the wild. Just maybe not in the supermarket
* The dates of a sabbat can vary slightly due to cultural traditions or personal preference